Visit Pensacola
Enjoy a Fun and Safe Beach Trip in Pensacola, Florida
with these tips!
Visit Pensacola
Understand the Rip Currents
and swim near a lifeguard!
Visit Pensacola
Leave Only Your Footprints!
If you brought it to the beach, carry it back with you.
Visit Pensacola
Be in the Know!
Always check on: Current Conditions/Flags Web Cams
Visit Pensacola
Know the Rules!
check out the description of this story!
Visit Pensacola
And don't forget to have FUN!
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Famed for its soft white sand, emerald-hued waters, and a carefree, easy-going atmosphere, Pensacola Beach has long been a favorite, family-friendly beach destination that locals cherish and newcomers embrace.
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Rip currents are the greatest danger to beach patrons and account for more than 80 percent of water rescues performed by surf rescue lifeguards. If you become caught in a rip current, escape by swimming sideways to the direction the current is pulling you, or parallel to shore. If you cannot swim out of the rip or the current is too strong, go with the flow offshore and the rip current will weaken. Then, swim back to shore at an angle away from the rip current.
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Tents, umbrellas, chairs and other beach gear are not allowed to be left overnight on the beach. Trash cans are provided near all beach entrances, and you are asked to fill in any holes you may dig in the sand.
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Be in the Know! Always check and be aware of the following. Click the link for more details. Current Conditions / Flags Web Cams Beach Safety Information
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Adult beverages are allowed on the beach. Glass containers, underage drinking and public drunkenness are not. Illegal drugs and driving under the influence will not be tolerated. Laws and ordinances will be strictly enforced, for everyone’s safety. Wherever you’re staying, please be respectful of your neighbors and keep your noise level in check. Motorized vehicles, generators, grills, fires and any open flames are prohibited on the beach, as well.
Pensacola, Florida, United States